Hugo on your MacOS
- Setting github
- create a repo named blogs for store hugo programes.
- Create another repo named to host websit.
- generate ssh key and regist it on github settings.
- Install hugo
- Create a blog site.
- init git
- Test hugo at local.
- You can access http://localhost:1313 to test your blog in local.
Change configure
- Modifiy vi config.toml
Add syntax highlight
vi config.toml
Deploy your blog to github
- Add repo of blog website.
Run hugo to generate your blog website.
1 2
hugo server
publish your website
1 2 3 4 5
cd public git add. git commit -m "YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE" git push origin master
Backup your hugo blog to github
1 2 3 4 5
cd .. git add. git commit -m "YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE" git push origin master
Add a comment
Since theme jane has support utterances, we just need to enable utterances apps in github and configure it in config.toml in hugo.
Create a repo to storage comment. like “blogcomment”.
enable utternaces apps.
- click utterances app
- Auth utterances to your github repo “blogcomment”.
and append follow lines.
[params.utteranc] enable = true repo=“echowings/blogcomment” issueTerm=“pathname”